The Entourage Effect

Despite current research on cannabis and its medical applications, we are still only beginning to scratch the surface of understanding the potential benefits of this miraculous plant. 

the entourage effectDevelopments in recent years, like cannabis legalization and up to date scientific research, have allowed cannabis to once again serve some of the many medical purposes for which it has been used for thousands of years in the past. Many cultures from around the world have historic and cultural references to the use of cannabis as an effective and well proven medicine.

There are still many questions about how medical cannabis works and what symptoms and ailments it is most effective at treating.

One medical cannabis topic that has been hotly debated in recent years is “The Entourage Effect.” 

Many long-term medical cannabis patients swear that cannabis oil and products made from full plant extracts have more medicinal benefits when compared to the effects of isolated cannabinoids. Cannabis cultivators also claim that different strains can have wildly varying medical effects and that cannabis can be bred for specific symptoms and ailments.

After reading this article, we hope that you will be more educated on the Entourage Effect so that you can decide what form of cannabis therapy will work the best for your individual health needs. 

What is the Entourage Effect?

the entourage effect

The phrase “Entourage Effect” was first used in 1998 by renowned Israeli biochemist, Dr. Raphael Mechoulam. It states that when the different compounds that are found within the cannabis plant combine they create powerful synergistic effects that result in a higher medical efficacy compared to what each individual compound would produce on its own in an isolate form. 

In other words, when cannabinoids (THC, CBD, CBN, etc.) are combined along with other substances found in cannabis like fatty acids and terpenes (limonene, pinene, myrcene, etc.), this “Entourage Effect” creates potent medical benefits that both patient testimonials and current scientific research support.

The “Entourage Effect” states that cannabis delivers more medical benefits when the natural combinations of the compounds that the plant contains are consumed together, instead of trying to isolate one specific cannabis compound like THC or CBD.

Is the Entourage Effect Real?

The Entourage Effect is one of the most debated topics of modern cannabis science. 

On one side, there are studies that show how different cannabinoids work far more effectively when combined with other cannabinoids, and current research is studying the influence of terpenes and fatty acids on the overall medical efficacy of whole plant extracts. 

Most medical cannabis patients agree that whole plant extracts and products are more effective than single molecule compounds for treating the symptoms of their ailments.

On the other side of the argument, there are people and organizations that think the Entourage Effect is “make believe” and that these “synergistic effects” do not deserve the scientific and medical credit that they have been given.

While we wait on additional research to be conducted, we fully believe that the “Entourage Effect” is real. Based on the studies that are currently available and from the testimonials of medical cannabis community members, we believe that the combination of different cannabis compounds, like cannabinoids, terpenes and fatty acids, results in more significant medical benefits than consuming single-moelcule compounds.

If you would like to learn more, please take a moment to check out our article on Whole Plant Extracts Versus Single Molecule Compounds.

What Is Science Saying about the Entourage Effect?

The data supporting the existence of Cannabis synergy and the astounding plasticity of the Cannabis genome suggests a reality that obviates the need for alternative hosts, or even genetic engineering of Cannabis sativa, thus proving that, “The plant does it better.” 

- The Case for the Entourage Effect and Conventional Breeding of Clinical Cannabis: No “Strain,” No Gain – US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

the entourage effect Medical science is starting to catch up with what medical cannabis patients have claimed for years. 

Science is beginning to validate that medical cannabis does have significant medicinal value for a variety of ailments. However, there is still an extensive amount of scientific research that remains to be done on how the compounds within the cannabis plant work together to increase its overall medical benefits. 

Most studies focus on the benefits of medical cannabis for specific ailments and how specific cannabinoids affect individual systems in your body.

Current scientific research is beginning to validate that the Entourage Effect is real and the below studies illustrate this:

As you can see from the studies above, there is scientific support that whole plant extracts and products can be more effective at treating the symptoms of specific ailments and diseases. This is evidence, backed by science, that “the Entourage Effect” is not only real, but that it also has greater benefits when compared to individual isolated cannabinoids.

On the other side of the fence, one recently published study showed that terpenoids often found in Sativa strains of cannabis have no effect on human cannabinoid receptors. It is important to understand that this study focused only on terpenes and typically isolated terpenes do not influence cannabinoid receptors.

The theory behind the Entourage Effect states that it is all of the compounds contained in cannabis working together that increases medical efficacy, not singular terpenes in combination with THC.

Final Thoughts

the entourage effect

More research is needed before any definite scientific conclusion can be made about the Entourage Effect and its influence on the medicinal properties of cannabis. 

We believe the testimonials of the countless number of medical cannabis patients who confirm that the Entourage Effect is real and that whole  cannabis plant (full-spectrum) extracts and products are more effective than single cannabinoid isolate products made in laboratories. 

If we are to believe the thousands of years of medical cannabis history, then there is a very high chance that the Entourage Effect will be confirmed by scientific research in the near future. 

After all, just a few decades ago, medical science claimed that cannabis held no medical benefits whatsoever! 

We Would Love to Hear from You

What are your thoughts on the Entourage Effect? 

Have you had the opportunity to try isolated cannabis compounds as well as whole plant options for your symptoms in ailments? 

If so, we would love to hear from you. 

Please take a moment to share your stories, questions and comments in the comments section below. Also, make sure to join the Kanteeva community to see what strains and products are working for other members of the community.

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