Questions to Ask Your Healthcare Provider about Medical Cannabis

If you are considering medical cannabis as a possible option to help treat any of your ailments, or their symptoms, it is important to speak with your healthcare provider first. 

questions to ask your healthcare provider

The conversation about medical cannabis may be an uncomfortable one to start due to the stigma surrounding it. Here at Kanteeva, we have designed the following questions to help you start a conversation with your healthcare provider about the possible benefits that medical cannabis may have for you.

Are You Comfortable Discussing Medical Cannabis?

The first thing you need to find out is if your healthcare provider is comfortable discussing medical cannabis. While many providers are excited by the possibilities that medical cannabis can have, there are some who are completely against it. 

You should consider asking for a referral to another provider for your medical cannabis needs if your medical practitioner is not comfortable discussing medical cannabis. 

The next best option, if you do not receive a referral, is to contact a medical cannabis clinic and setup an appointment with a knowledgeable and qualified expert.

Have You Prescribed Medical Cannabis Before? 

Having a conversation with a medical practitioner who has knowledge and experience prescribing medical cannabis can be extremely beneficial.

If your healthcare provider has experience prescribing medical cannabis to other patients, they may be able to make recommendations for products and dosages that they have worked successfully for other patients who have similar symptoms to your own. 

Do You Think Medical Cannabis Can Help My Ailment or Symptoms?

Through scientific research and application, medical cannabis has undisputed and proven medical benefits. However, every person will have different results depending on their individual physiology and ailments. Also different medical effects are associated with different strains of cannabis. While cannabis can help alleviate the symptoms of many different ailments, there are situations where cannabis would not be beneficial to you. 

This is why it is so important to consult a healthcare provider with knowledge and experience of medical cannabis.

Will Medical Cannabis Interact with My Current Medications? 

From the vitamins and minerals in food, to other medications and nutritional supplements, any substance you put into your body may interact with your existing medication regimen. 

Medical cannabis is no different. 

Make certain that you discuss any potential medication interactions that you could experience with your healthcare provider. Also, be certain that you fully understand what signs and symptoms you should be aware of if a negative interaction between medications is taking place. 

Are There Any Risks Because of My Medical History? 

Every medication has some potential side effects, even medical cannabis. If you have certain issues in your medical history, or your family's medical history, the use of medical cannabis may not be an effective treatment option for you. While this is rarely the case, it is an important issue to discuss with your healthcare provider.

What Form of Consumption Do You Think Would Work Best for Me?

From traditional forms like smoking or consuming edibles, to more modern methods like sublingual administration, there are many different ways to consume medical cannabis. 

For more in-depth information on this topic, you can check out our article that explains some of the many different methods you have to choose from when consuming medical cannabis

Depending on the symptoms of your specific ailment, your healthcare provider will be able to help you determine the best method of consumption unique to your needs.

Do You Have Any Recommendations on Companies to Use?

Medical cannabis and the companies that produce it are still relatively new. As a result of this, some companies have much better reputations than others. Your healthcare provider may be able to suggest companies that other patients have had success with in your area. You can also use the Kanteeva community to interact with other medical cannabis users and experts to find out what others have to say.

Do You Have Any Recommendations for Specific Medical Cannabis Products?

There are some cannabis strains and product types that are better suited for treating the symptoms of specific ailments

Your healthcare provider may be able to direct you to a particular product or cannabis strain that other patients have found success with.

Can We Create a Follow-up Schedule

It is important to establish future follow-up appointments with your healthcare provider to monitor your medical cannabis therapy and your overall health. 

Make certain that your healthcare provider is willing and able to follow-up with you in the future. Doing this lets you establish a relationship with your healthcare provider in order to ensure the best possible outcome after you start consuming medical cannabis. 

Final Thoughts

questions to ask your healthcare provider

Starting a conversation with your healthcare provider about medical cannabis can be uncomfortable, but it is a necessary step if you want to have the best results with medical cannabis therapy. 

Use the questions above to start the conversation and be certain to explore some of our ailment articles to see how other patients have been able to find relief with medical cannabis for their many different ailments and symptoms. 

If you still have some concerns about starting this conversation with your healthcare provider, or if you have any questions, please feel free to leave them in the comments area below. 

Also, be sure to join the Kanteeva community to connect with others who have found success with medical cannabis. 

Learn. Share. Connect.


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