Who is Most at Risk When Using Cannabis?

When it comes to your health, knowing the potential benefits and risks to any therapy option is crucial before making any decisions. 

The same thing is true if you are considering medical cannabis.

While medical cannabis can be an amazing therapy option for many people, some people need to exercise extreme caution when considering starting a cannabis therapy program. 

If you are considering having a conversation with your healthcare provider(s) about the potential benefits of medical cannabis, be certain to also consider the potential drawbacks it can have as well.

In most cases, the possible negative effects of cannabis are very minor. However, extra care should be taken by people who fall under the following categories.

People Who Are Allergic to Cannabis

It is important to remember, cannabis is a plant that produces flowers and pollen. Just like other plants, some people may find that they are allergic to the pollen of the cannabis plant.

How Can You Tell if You may be Allergic to Cannabis?

who is most at risk when using cannabis

Well, the first thing you should do is keep an eye out for the following symptoms that may be similar in nature to seasonal allergies:

  • A dry cough
  • Red, itchy or watery eyes. Remember that your eyes may feel dry after consumption as a negative effect to cannabis in general but this potential adverse effect is very mild compared to an allergic reaction. Also, some cannabis strains are worse than others at causing dry eyes.
  • Runny nose
  • Sneezing
  • Sore, scratchy or itchy throat
  • Nasal congestion

If you find yourself experiencing the symptoms listed above after consuming cannabis, you should stop using it immediately and consult with your healthcare provider(s) about the possibility of being tested for a cannabis allergy.

Children, Teens and Young Adults

who is most at risk when using cannabis

Let’s face it, we are still a long way away from understanding all the potential positive and negative effects that cannabis has to offer. With that being said, one stereotype that has been believed as the truth over the years is that consuming cannabis decreases your IQ.

When you compound this stereotype with the fact that the human brain does not stop developing until age 25, the result is a fear that cannabis consumption by children, teens and young adults can only mean the development of less intelligent adults. 

However, many people argue the anecdotal evidence of having tried or consumed cannabis frequently as teenagers and being “fine” in adulthood shows that cannabis consumption during these years may not be so harmful. 

So, does cannabis actually make you less intelligent? This question is more loaded than you may think. 

This is because some studies show that when cannabis is persistently consumed at a younger age, the result is decreased cognitive function and IQ scores in adulthood. However, other studies show no association whatsoever with decreasing IQs in adulthood between those who consume cannabis as teens and those who do not.

At the end of the day, you must take into consideration both the potential benefits of cannabis consumption by children for ailments like pediatric epilepsy, while also weighing the potential drawbacks.

All things considered, when it comes to determining the potential drawbacks and benefits of cannabis consumption for children, teens and young adults, the best course of action is to learn as much as possible and then have an open and honest conversation with your healthcare provider(s).

Pregnant or Breastfeeding Women

who is most at risk when using cannabis

Most women are aware that anything that is consumed while pregnant is passed on to their unborn infants. However, what many women are not aware of is that THC can be passed on to infants who are breast-feeding via breast milk, as shown in this study published in Obstetrics and Gynecology

As mentioned in the “Children, Teens and Young Adults” section above, it is unclear exactly what effects cannabis consumption may have on those under the age of 25. So, it is important for women who are pregnant or breast-feeding to understand that the cannabinoids contained in cannabis, including psychoactive THC, can be transmitted to infants from mothers.

People Who Become Sick After Consumption

If you have been able to use cannabis in the past and suddenly find yourself feeling nauseated, vomiting violently or developing abdominal cramps, you should stop using cannabis immediately and seek medical attention from your healthcare provider(s).

This is because you may be suffering from an ailment called cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome, or CHS.

While CHS is a relatively rare ailment, cases have been on the rise in recent years perhaps because more people than ever have the opportunity to consume cannabis.

People with a History of Psychosis, Schizophrenia or Bipolar Disorder

While more research is needed to be conducted before a link can fully be established, some studies have shown a connection between cannabis use and psychotic reactions, especially among people who have a familial history of mental illness.

It is important to note that other studies have shown the link may not be as prominent as previously thought and other factors may be at work. Until more research is conducted, you should consult your healthcare provider(s) regularly if you are considering trying medical cannabis and have a family history of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, psychosis or severe depression.

For more information on how cannabis may affect those who are at risk for mental health and additional conditions, please take a moment to watch the video below. 


People with Serious Heart, Kidney or Liver Diseases

who is most at risk when using cannabis

If you have any serious organ related diseases, you should consult with your healthcare practitioner(s) before starting to consume cannabis. As with many other ailments, additional research is needed before we understand exactly how cannabis affects various systems in your body, especially those systems that are in distress.

This is especially true when it comes to cardiovascular health, as some studies show a link between cannabis use and various heart related ailments. Other studies state that treatment using medical cannabis may have “promising approaches as therapeutic agents for cardiovascular diseases.”

Until links can be established one way or the other, if you suffer from serious heart, kidney or liver diseases, you should consult with your healthcare practitioner(s) before using cannabis.

The Most Important Step before Consuming Cannabis as Medicine

who is most at risk when using cannabis

If you are considering starting a medical cannabis regimen for any ailment, it is important that you first have an open and honest conversation with your healthcare provider(s).

Regardless of what ailment you may be trying to treat with medical cannabis, your healthcare provider(s) can help you determine if it is a viable therapy option for you, what strains would work the best for your individual needs and ultimately guide you on a path to better overall health and well-being.

Before you speak with your healthcare provider(s), take the time to learn more about how medical cannabis may be beneficial for treating the symptoms associated with your specific ailment(s).

Here at Kanteeva, we have conducted extensive research and have compiled resources on many different ailments in order to help you navigate the complex world of medical cannabis. Through the collection of scientific studies and anecdotal evidence from members of the medical cannabis community, we strive to provide you with all of the information that you will need to have an educated conversation with your healthcare provider(s) about whether medical cannabis therapy is right for you.

Please have a look at some of our articles that focus on specific ailments and cannabis strains. If you have any additional questions that we may be able to help with, please feel free to leave them in the comments area below any of the articles on this site.

Final Thoughts

We are still learning how cannabis affects different ailments and the human body in general. While research is still ongoing, it is important to try and be as educated as possible when considering medical cannabis for your health and well-being.

While medical cannabis has been shown to be an amazing medicine for helping to treat many different ailments, extra caution should be taken if you fall into one of the “at risk” categories listed above. As always, it is important that you share the knowledge that you learn about medical cannabis with your healthcare provider(s) before making a decision on your own.

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