What is CBN?

If you are well informed about medical or recreational cannabis, then you have probably heard about cannabinoids like THC and CBD. 

However, there are nearly 150 different cannabinoids contained in the cannabis plant! 

Thanks to current and cutting edge scientific research, we are learning about new cannabinoids that may have promising medical benefits. One such cannabinoid is CBN, but unfortunately there is an extensive amount of misinformation and confusion surrounding its medicinal applications.

CBN is short for Cannabinol.

It is a cannabinoid that forms as THC begins to degrade and break down. 

How is CBN Made?

what is cbn

Unlike many other cannabinoids, CBN does not naturally occur in cannabis while it is growing. The process instead begins when THC is exposed to oxygenation or UV light.

CBN has been referred to as the sedative cannabinoid. This is most likely a very accurate title. As many long-term cannabis users can tell you, if a high THC strain has been stored improperly it has far greater sedative effects than it does when properly cured and stored in a controlled environment. Exposure to oxygen and sunlight is what causes the degradation of THC, and subsequently, the creation of increased amounts of CBN.

This is one of the reasons it is very important to know how to properly store cannabis in order to avoid mold, over-development of CBN, unnecessary spoilage and other potential issues. 

What CBN Is Not?

One common misconception around CBN is that it is just a weaker and less psychoactive version of THC. This could not be further from the truth. While THC is psychoactive, CBN is more similar to CBD as it has very little to no psychoactive effects.

Does CBN Have Any Medical Benefits?

what is cbn

It is important to understand that more scientific research must be conducted on CBN to determine all of its medical uses and benefits. 

Some studies have shown that CBN has multiple potential medical applications.

For example, studies conducted on mice demonstrated that CBN can prolong the duration and quality of sleep. CBN also shows promise for reducing “intraocular pressure” and according to Steep Hill, could be used for the treatment of glaucoma without the psychoactive effects of THC.

It also shows promise for other applications like:

While CBN has shown promise in some trials for the applications above, it is important to remember that our understanding of this cannabinoid is still limited. More research needs to be conducted for us to thoroughly understand its medical benefits. 

It is also important to remember that in most cases, CBN works best when combined with THC and other cannabinoids. As Steep Hill noted in one study:

CBN is synergistic with THC for treatment purposes. CBN also fights free radicals in the bloodstream, and it performs similarly to THC in pain reduction treatments.

These findings give credit to what many cannabis researchers and consumers alike refer to as the “Entourage Effect,” how cannabinoids work together to achieve a more potent medical efficacy. If you would like to know more, check out our article on the Entourage Effect

The Future of CBN

what is cbn

Our understanding of the cannabinoid CBN, and its potential benefits and possible medical applications, is still limited by a lack of research. It will be exciting to see what benefits CBN and the other cannabinoids can deliver for the medical community in the future.

Stay tuned here at Kanteeva and be certain to join our community for more information on CBN and cannabis research as it becomes available. If you have any questions about CBN or any other cannabinoid, please leave them below and be sure to check out some of our other articles on cannabinoids and how they may benefit you on your journey to better health.

Also, be sure to join the Kanteeva community to stay up-to-date with the latest medical cannabis information.

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