Cannabis Chocolates

This is an easy, simple and tasty recipe that can save you a ton of money. 

cannabis chocolates You only need a few ingredients and some basic pieces of equipment to make these delicious medicated cannabis chocolates.

Preparation Time: 5 - 10 minutes

Cook Time: 10 - 20 minutes

Cool Down: 30 - 60 minutes (depending on the thickness of your mould)

Total Time: 45 - 90 minutes


  • Small glass mixing dish (a large shot glass works well)
  • Large pot and large stainless steel mixing bowl that fits nicely into the top of the pot or use a double boiler
  • Plastic spatula
  • Whisk
  • Small stainless steel mixing spoon
  • Parchment paper
  • A medium sized plastic syringe or a turkey baster 
  • A .01 Scale to make sure you weigh everything to the EXACT specifications. 
  • Calculator
  • Chocolate moulds. You can buy these at most baking stores, places like Bulk Barn or on Amazon. We suggest finding a mould that provides 8 to 10 uniform spaces. We found a great frog mould at Bulk Barn and it worked really well. Each chocolate ended up weighing 10.5 grams on average (plus or minus 0.2 grams) and ended up having 45 mg of THC.

Once you have all of this equipment you can make medicated chocolates for years. We suggest spending the money and the time to get your equipment setup correctly so the process is easier and the end product is more consistent.


cannabis chocolates

You can scale this recipe up as much as you want but we suggest doing small fresh batches. Also we suggest not doing a batch any smaller than the one above. If you want to lower or increase the dosage per chocolate then you can either decrease or increase the amount of concentrate you use.

Visit our article “Oral Dosages - A Guideline” for more dosage information. 

Please do not make edibles if you cannot use a scale or if you have difficulty following these directions.


cannabis chocolates

  1. Fill the large pot with a few inches of water, place it on a stove top burner at a low/medium heat and allow the water to heat up but do not let the water come to a boil.

  2. In your small mixing glass, mixing bowl or shot glass put your 5 grams of MCT Oil or coconut oil.

  3. Put the small mixing bowl with MCT Oil in the large pot of water. Ensure the water level is at least an inch below the lip of the small mixing bowl. Allow the MCT Oil to be heated by the double boiling effect, if you are using coconut oil let it warm and then it will liquify.

  4. Now add your RSO or decarbed cannabis concentrate to the liquified, heated oil that is in the small mixing bowl sitting in the large pot of heated water. Stir constantly with your small mixing tool until the concentrate has fully melted into the oil. Monitor the temperature; do not let the mixture get too hot. The MCT oil and concentrate will mix easily, should quickly emulsify and will become a uniform amber colour. The colour will differ as the strain and type of concentrate differ. This will take about 5 minutes.

  5. Once the MCT Oil and your concentrate has emulsified, quickly remove the small mixing bowl from the hot water (use oven mitts).

  6. Once the oil/concentrate mixture is removed, fill your large pot with more hot water until the water level reaches within a few inches on the lip of the pot and then put it back on the stove top. Do not increase the temperature of the burner, keep it at low/medium heat.

  7. Place your stainless steel bowl on top of the pot and on top of the hot water (in essence you are creating a DIY double boiler). The stainless steel bowl will be floating in the water of the large pot. 

  8. Once the stainless steel bowl has begun conducting heat, pour your MCT oil concentrate mixture into the bowl.

  9. Take your chocolate and add it to the concentrate mixture. We suggest that you break the chocolate into smaller pieces so it will melt easier. Using chocolate chips works well.

  10. Gently whisk your chocolate until it has fully melted into the concentrate mixture. This should take 5 to 10 minutes.

  11. Keep whisking for 5 more minutes and use your spatula to incorporate the chocolate that remains on the outside edge of the bowl with the main chocolate mixture. Uniformity is key here.

    cannabis chocolates
  12. Reduce the heat to low.

  13. Take your plastic syringe and suck up the chocolate mixture and inject into your mould. You may need to cut off some or all of the syringe tip if it is too narrow for the thick cannabis chocolate mixture

  14. Use a flat edge tool to remove any excess chocolate from the mold and try not to waste it by putting it back into the bowl full of cannabis chocolate. This takes some practice and the goal is to have as few air bubbles in the chocolate as possible. Slow and steady is the key here.

  15. Place the filled and level mould into the fridge and allow it to cool for 30 to 60 minutes. If the mould is very thick then the cooling process may take longer.

  16. Congratulations you have just made delicious medicated cannabis chocolates!

  17. The chocolates are ready to eat once you do THE MATH

The Math

cannabis chocolates Do the math and you will set yourself up for success! 

You need to seriously manage your cannabis concentrate when making edibles so you can produce consistent doses.

Managing your cannabis concentrate will allow you to manage the exact levels of the psychoactive cannabinoid THC.

Below is an example of how to do the MATH to find out how much THC is in each batch and each edible:

  1. 0.5 grams RSO = 500 mg RSO

  2. 500 mg RSO x 80% (the THC potency of the RSO) = 400 mg of THC

  3. Weigh each chocolate. There should not be too much of a variance. We suggest no more than 0.2 grams variance. Be particular. It will pay off.

  4. Our 9 chocolates weighed a total of 94.5 grams (average of 10.5 grams each) and we started off with 105.5 grams of total ingredients so we lost a total of 11 grams or 10.43% 
    • 11 grams lost/105.5 grams of starting ingredients = 10.43%
    • The better you get at making cannabis chocolates the less you will waste

  5. We are almost done!

  6. Now to find the total mgs of THC in the completed batch after wastage, we take the wastage percent and multiply it by the total mgs of THC we initially added and then minus that from our total mgs of THC we started with. 
    • 10.43% of wastage x 450 mgs of THC = 46.94 mgs of THC wastage
    • 450 mgs THC - 46.94 mgs THC = 403 mgs of THC in the completed batch of chocolates
    • So basically the wastage equalled one chocolate

    • Now to find out how much THC is in each chocolate, take the total mg of THC in the completed batch and divide it by the number of chocolates! 

      • 403 mgs THC/9 chocolates = Average THC in each chocolate is 44.78 mgs or 45 mgs.

cannabis chocolates

See our Kanteeva article on oral dosages if you are not sure how much you should ingest.

We Want to Hear From You

Have you tried cannabis chocolates before? What did you think? 

Now that you have the knowledge to make your own cannabis chocolates, we encourage you to make them and to share the results with the Kanteeva community

How did it go? Was it easy and simple to make? How did they taste?

Let us know how it went by commenting below.

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